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Analogy Designs

Cards, Magnets, Mousepads, Prints


Analogy Designs uses photographs taken by designer and photographer Cindi Dammann and transforms them into beautiful 5 x 7 glossy notecards for you to share with your family and friends as well as framed wall prints in colorful frames 8 x 10 and 11 x 14 sizes, inspirational magnets, and mousepads. There are five packets of cards to choose from, each containing five cards. Three packets are blank for you to add your own personal message. Two packets have a motivational and encouraging message with room to also include your own message. Each packet contains five matching envelope seals, four white envelopes, and one envelope that matches one of the cards. The packets come in a colorful organza bag.

Sets can be purchased on Etsy at http://AnalogyDesigns.etsy.com

The cost is $15 per card packet, framed 11 x 14 prints are $50, magnets $7 and $9, and mousepads, $16, plus shipping and applicable taxes.

Packages ship within 1-3 days of order.

Sampling of products available

Brightening one’s spirit through flowers and butterflies.

Pawsitively Cute Cats

Thanks for visiting our blog ! We're Bell, Analogy and Assisi! Mom tells us we're pawsitively cute cats! She might be a little biased! We have lots of fun playing together and hiding on Mom. We look forward to sharing our fun with you!

Irresistibly Purple

I LOVE purple! This blog is about all things purple. Things you I'm sure knew about and have seen and hopefully a few new things you didn't have a clue came in purple!

Those of you who can't claim purple as your favorite color, remember, if it comes in purple, then it will more than likely come in your favorite color too!

Who knows, you may just see something you didn't even think about getting in your favorite color.

For me, I think the world should be purple!